Flippin' pages

Monday, February 21, 2011

Gardner drenched in coffee

Mobius strips, quantum mechanics, insecure attachments, their significance in forming and maintaining healthy relationships in adulthood, and the psychological components that differ in the 20% of the Navy Seals that don't wash out.

These are some of the concepts that have absorbed my attention (for the moment, at least).


-I just spent about an hour and typed out a long blog and pressed send and lost it. Needless to say, I am now frustrated and will have to muster up something similar to what I was trying to express today. Hopefully, Cafe Bohemia provides me with some White Mocha and inspiration (in between breaks of doing "real" work, of course).


  1. Consider quantum physics--Is it really lost?

  2. Never.But the more you understand it, the more you will be. haha
